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Sound Healing with Willow Wisp Wellness

willow wisp wellness sound healing

Hello, I'm Paula, owner of Willow Wisp Wellness - a holistic wellbeing sound healing business. My journey into sound healing began quite unexpectedly. I was navigating postmenopausal symptoms and already working with crystals, when I stumbled upon Holly Husler and her amazing Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. I fell in love. A crystal bowl you say, that sings, I need me one of those. I am now the guardian of 13 Crystal Tones, Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. 

So, what are Alchemy crystal singing bowls?

Alchemy crystal singing bowls are a therapeutic instrument made from high-quality quartz crystal infused with various minerals, gemstones, or precious metals. These bowls produce rich, harmonic tones that promote relaxation, meditation, and healing by balancing energy fields and enhancing spiritual practices. Renowned for their unique vibrational qualities and aesthetic beauty, Alchemy crystal singing bowls are often used in sound healing sessions, yoga, and personal wellness rituals.

The Alchemies are rather special. We are crystalline in nature, our structure, it is a part of our very essence. These unique Crystal Bowls serve as a gift from mother nature, a remembrance, a return to harmonic resonance. They invite us into a stillness where our bodies can begin to heal. Sound is an ancient medicine and one which I am most passionate about.

My bowl collection began and expanded swiftly. Once bowl three had landed, I decided to embark on Sound Healing Practitioner Training with the intention for this exploration to merely serve myself. This was a deep dive into getting to know myself better. This exploration spanned over nearly four months and it was such a magical journey to take. We chose our Word at the end of our training, one word to describe the journey we had been on. I chose the word Magic. Magic was my Word.   

sound healing northumberland

And now? Next came the sharing. I started to share the Magic of the Alchemy Bowls and the knowledge I had gained. Firstly with friends and then with the creation of a Holistic Wellbeing Sound Healing Business. I am still creating and have entered my second year. The first year was a learning curve; I learnt rather harshly to follow my gut. It is not easy creating a Business with something that is so unique, but I was guided by the Bowls. The Bowls are the best teachers. Sound Healing is now fast becoming popular but, in my first year, if I were to tell a person that the spoon I was holding was making a noise, I was looked upon with strange expression. Sound is all around us, even in silence there is noise. 

I acquired a thirst for more. More knowledge, more Alchemy Bowls, more exploration. I was holding One to One Sound Healing Sessions, I experienced a couple of collaborations and I was holding space (although I have a dislike for that term). My Sound Journey had well and truly began. Sound is limitless and even after further exploration with the Alchemy Studio in Munich, I still feel like I am merely at the very tip of the iceberg.

I weave a magical tapestry of crystalline frequencies together, inviting people into my World with my heart wide open, so that they may taste the tranquillity of bringing their body, mind and soul back into harmony. Sound healing is such a magical gateway to walk through. If ever self-doubt creeps in, I remind myself, these bowls chose me and they keep choosing me. Where my Sound Journey takes me to next I have no idea, but I am eager to embrace all the feels, all the noise and all the chapters.

northumberland sound bath

Discovering Brinkburn was thanks to Facebook. Someone had shared in a yoga group a photo of Brinkburn and the River. I was intrigued. Could I evolve my Sound Journey to include mini retreats? My Nurture & Nourish was already birthed, but to hold these events near a Riverbank and in such historic and idyllic scenery was quite literally a slice of my dream.

The Nurture & Nourish Nada Yoga Retreats that are held here hold such magical memories. The heartfelt conversations we have had, the heart opening Cacao we have sipped, the exquisite sounds of the Alchemy Bowls in the Barn have had us all in a state of sheer bliss. Walking together, through the Wood and down to the Riverbank, all of us enchanted by Nature's Sounds and the captivating lure of the River Coquet. You forget about the noise of everyday life. Your worries and woes are left behind, healing fills the space. I do hope you can join us one day. 

What are the benefits of sound healing?

Sound healing offers a range of benefits for physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The bowls produce vibrations that promote deep relaxation and stress reduction. Benefits include improved sleep, enhanced mood, and reduced anxiety. Sound healing can also help alleviate physical pain, improve concentration, and support emotional balance by clearing energy blockages and restoring harmony within the body.

sound bath northumberland

Here are my tips to help you experience the benefits of Sound Healing

  • Spend more time in nature; trees possess the most healing frequencies on our planet. Go and sit underneath a tree for a little while. 
  • Switch off your tech, for as long as you can. 
  • Listen to instruments, whether that be an evening at the Royal Albert Hall, a local band or learning piano or whatever other instrument may take your fancy. 
  • I gift myself a Silent Retreat day each month and if this is something you can do (even if just half a day) it is a joy to experience
  • I also work with the Moon and Planetary aspects daily, La Luna sings a most wonderful song. Align with her cycle and listen.

Seek that Sound that brings you peace, that sound which brings you joy, that Sound that makes your heart sing. 

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